Thursday, March 5, 2015

Learning from Mistakes

This blog post is rather late, and you can thank me (Iva's mom) for that. Sometimes Moms just can't keep up with it all! Without further ado, here is Iva's next entry.


A couple of weeks ago, I made something new: The recycled pencil holder. First, I started out making something for my brother. Then I taped one piece in the wrong place and that inspired me to make the recycled holders. I used tape and old toilet paper rolls. The result was great! I gave one to my Mom.

So what that tells me is that when I'm trying new things or experimenting, I'm going to make lots of mistakes, but something awesome will always come out of it. It's actually not so bad to make mistakes if you can learn from them.

I am going to make some pretty ones and then sell them for $3. I'll show pictures when they're done.

Also, in case you were wondering I had a really fun today. My mom took us to get frozen yogurt in the freezing cold.

Here is a picture of one of the holders before they are pretty.   

Thursday, February 12, 2015

First, starting off, my Mom had meeting today. I had to hang out with my brother. So, my brother and I did art and one experiment. The experiment didn't work out so well. The experiment was putting a black marker line on a white sheet of paper. I put it in some water. I thought the colors might expand, but they didn't. I think it didn't work because I dipped in the water instead of spilling the water on it. William was right beside hanging out with me. It was very fun because we did the experiment together. He didn't mind at all that it didn't work. I was okay with it too.

I was very mad because I couldn't go outside. It was way too cold. So, I decided to make 4 fashion designs. I will put pictures of them at the end.

Speaking of pictures, my Mom gave me her old phone. It doesn't work as a phone, so I use it as a camera. When I was 2 years old, my Mom started giving me her camera to take lots of pictures all by myself. I love taking pictures. It's one of my favorites things to do. I take pictures of my brother, my mom, and my cousins and my aunts and my grandparents and nature and all kinds of things you wouldn't believe!  Today, my mom downloaded all the pictures from my phone (that I use as a camera) onto her computer. There were 641 photographs. Then my Mom and I looked through all of them and laughed until we about peed in our pants. (Don't worry, we didn't actually pee in our pants!)

What I want to do is show you some of the photos that I've taken. Some are silly and some are serious, but we love all of them.

By for now. I'll write my next post tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy it!


Hi Simon! (this is my cousin)

This is my brother William. This is called "Trampoline Head"

This is my cousin Manny He's super happy.

This is "Snake Capture Dude." I found him in a snake book. He's ridiculous.

This is William, again. Creative use of magnifying glass.

Mr. Goat says "Hey what's up, yo?"

Sunset at Grandma's
This is a photo I took of my mom. I love her.
And this is Me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Welcome to STYLEGIRLJunior!

I am Iva. I am eight years old. My mom and I are doing this blog together. It's mostly me, but my mom is helping (she types while I talk). I have a brother named William, and he is 2 years old. He is the cutest baby in the whole world. I am interested in cooking, style, fashion, making inventions, and the outdoors.

This blog is about my sense of fashion and about nature and anything else that I'm thinking of.

That's all for now, and I hope you like reading this.
